Enterprise for Humankind: Human Rights for Businesses
Helping Founder-Led Brands Build Ethical Supply Chains.
Demonstrate your brand’s purpose-driven ethos by proactively meeting global human rights standards.
Connect with consumers who care about the people who make the things they buy.
Avoid crises and reputational harm by verifying vendor and partner human rights commitments.
Help your industry become better by growing beyond due diligence to supply chain influence.
Create additional value by championing human rights, labor rights, and good jobs.
Complement your environmental efforts with human rights efforts and win the sustainability race.
Foster customer and employee loyalty to your ethical brand.
Our Most In-Demand Services:
Initial Human Rights Check
Fast and affordable snapshot of your brand’s risks and strengths when it comes to human rights. Includes:
Quick supply chain assessment and
Actionable recommendations.
Human Rights Essentials Kit
Starter kit to begin building your brand’s reputation for excellence and ethics. Includes:
Everything in the Initial Human Rights Check
Custom Human Rights Policy and
Factory Vetting Framework.
Launch Stage Consulting
Expert support on human rights throughout your brand’s early days. Includes:
Everything in the Human Rights Essentials Kit
Strategy sessions with E4HK’s Founder
Implementation of the Factory Vetting Framework
Factory Onboarding Support and
Custom Human Rights Training for Employees.
Growth Stage Consulting
Scale up with responsible business practices. Includes:
Everything in the Human Rights Essentials Kit
Anything your brand needs from the Launch Stage Consulting Category
Custom Responsible Supply Chain Program that:
Sets expectations
Monitors performance
Addresses problems
Support to obtain third-party certifications (such as FairTrade, Rainforest Alliance, B-Corp), if desired.
More options available: E4HK offers a full suite of human rights for business services, listed here.
Schedule your free 30-minute strategy session with our founder.
Initial conversations are no-obligation and completely confidential.